Maps of Bulgaria
Latin name: Glycirrhiza glabra
Local name: Сладник, сладък корен, Женско биле
Where to find it: It grows in moist grassy places by the Danube river (in places wild in the Danube plain).
Description: A perennial herb with a short thick rhizome. Stem erect, 50 — 100 (200) cm high, strongly branched, reddish, glandular fibrous. The leaves are pinnate, with 9 — 17 elliptic or ovate leaflets. The flowers are in long loose racemes in the axils of the leaves at the tips of the twigs. Corolla rose-violet, of 5 unequal leaves. Fruit a glandular fibrous or glabrous, straight or sickle-shaped, flattened bean. Blooms June - July.
Usable parts: The roots, which can be used unpeeled — Radix Liquiritiae naturale, and peeled — Radix Liquiritiae mundata — are used.
Medicine properties:
adrenal cortex and pancreas stimulant
anti-inflammatory anti-arthritic antioxidant antidiuretic antispasmodic antiulcer antimalarial antivirus antibacterial helps digestion soothes irritation (soothes the stomach lining) expectorant estrogenic hypoglycemic immune system stimulant lowers blood cholesterol slightly relaxing protects the liver protects against radiation exposure tonic
Undesired effects: With long-term intake of licorice, and especially often after the administration of carbenoxolone, an increase in arterial pressure, fluid retention until the formation of edema, appearance of disorders in the sexual sphere - weakening of libido, appearance of gynecomastia, reduction or disappearance of hair growth is observed and others.
It is not recommended to use licorice during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The herb is contraindicated in the presence of chronic liver disease, severe kidney failure and diabetes.
Combining with other medicines: To strengthen immunity, it is combined with rhubarb leaves, gorse leaves, mallow leaves, honeysuckle stalks, thyme stalks, oregano roots, cinnamon bark, clove fruit, ginger roots.
Preparation: For each problem that is affected by the herb, a different regimen is used. We recommend consultation with a medical professional before admission. A decoction or tea is usually prepared, but the intake is strictly individual based on the problem and the condition of the patient.
Harvest time: The flowering of growth. is June and July, but its root is collected earlier - in March, or in late autumn (in November).
Harvest method: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.
How to proceed with the collected root: wash it abundantly with water, so that the soil falls completely. It is placed in a ventilated place for 2 days, after which the roots are cut lengthwise into parts of 30-35 cm each. They are placed in the sun or in dryers. The root is considered completely ready when it begins to break when folded. The well-dried root is stored for 10 years. Licorice root is used to make antitussive candies. For them, the root is not dried, but boiled and pressed. Aqueous extracts, decoctions, etc. are used for some medicines. forms.
Conservation: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.
Latin name: Glycirrhiza glabra
Local name: Сладник, сладък корен, Женско биле
Where to find it: It grows in moist grassy places by the Danube river (in places wild in the Danube plain).
Description: A perennial herb with a short thick rhizome. Stem erect, 50 — 100 (200) cm high, strongly branched, reddish, glandular fibrous. The leaves are pinnate, with 9 — 17 elliptic or ovate leaflets. The flowers are in long loose racemes in the axils of the leaves at the tips of the twigs. Corolla rose-violet, of 5 unequal leaves. Fruit a glandular fibrous or glabrous, straight or sickle-shaped, flattened bean. Blooms June - July.
Usable parts: The roots, which can be used unpeeled — Radix Liquiritiae naturale, and peeled — Radix Liquiritiae mundata — are used.
Medicine properties:
adrenal cortex and pancreas stimulant
anti-inflammatory anti-arthritic antioxidant antidiuretic antispasmodic antiulcer antimalarial antivirus antibacterial helps digestion soothes irritation (soothes the stomach lining) expectorant estrogenic hypoglycemic immune system stimulant lowers blood cholesterol slightly relaxing protects the liver protects against radiation exposure tonic
Undesired effects: With long-term intake of licorice, and especially often after the administration of carbenoxolone, an increase in arterial pressure, fluid retention until the formation of edema, appearance of disorders in the sexual sphere - weakening of libido, appearance of gynecomastia, reduction or disappearance of hair growth is observed and others.
It is not recommended to use licorice during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The herb is contraindicated in the presence of chronic liver disease, severe kidney failure and diabetes.
Combining with other medicines: To strengthen immunity, it is combined with rhubarb leaves, gorse leaves, mallow leaves, honeysuckle stalks, thyme stalks, oregano roots, cinnamon bark, clove fruit, ginger roots.
Preparation: For each problem that is affected by the herb, a different regimen is used. We recommend consultation with a medical professional before admission. A decoction or tea is usually prepared, but the intake is strictly individual based on the problem and the condition of the patient.
Harvest time: The flowering of growth. is June and July, but its root is collected earlier - in March, or in late autumn (in November).
Harvest method: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.
How to proceed with the collected root: wash it abundantly with water, so that the soil falls completely. It is placed in a ventilated place for 2 days, after which the roots are cut lengthwise into parts of 30-35 cm each. They are placed in the sun or in dryers. The root is considered completely ready when it begins to break when folded. The well-dried root is stored for 10 years. Licorice root is used to make antitussive candies. For them, the root is not dried, but boiled and pressed. Aqueous extracts, decoctions, etc. are used for some medicines. forms.
Conservation: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.
Latin name: Glycirrhiza glabra
Local name: Сладник, сладък корен, Женско биле
Where to find it: It grows in moist grassy places by the Danube river (in places wild in the Danube plain).
Description: A perennial herb with a short thick rhizome. Stem erect, 50 — 100 (200) cm high, strongly branched, reddish, glandular fibrous. The leaves are pinnate, with 9 — 17 elliptic or ovate leaflets. The flowers are in long loose racemes in the axils of the leaves at the tips of the twigs. Corolla rose-violet, of 5 unequal leaves. Fruit a glandular fibrous or glabrous, straight or sickle-shaped, flattened bean. Blooms June - July.
Usable parts: The roots, which can be used unpeeled — Radix Liquiritiae naturale, and peeled — Radix Liquiritiae mundata — are used.
Medicine properties:
adrenal cortex and pancreas stimulant
anti-inflammatory anti-arthritic antioxidant antidiuretic antispasmodic antiulcer antimalarial antivirus antibacterial helps digestion soothes irritation (soothes the stomach lining) expectorant estrogenic hypoglycemic immune system stimulant lowers blood cholesterol slightly relaxing protects the liver protects against radiation exposure tonic
Undesired effects: With long-term intake of licorice, and especially often after the administration of carbenoxolone, an increase in arterial pressure, fluid retention until the formation of edema, appearance of disorders in the sexual sphere - weakening of libido, appearance of gynecomastia, reduction or disappearance of hair growth is observed and others.
It is not recommended to use licorice during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The herb is contraindicated in the presence of chronic liver disease, severe kidney failure and diabetes.
Combining with other medicines: To strengthen immunity, it is combined with rhubarb leaves, gorse leaves, mallow leaves, honeysuckle stalks, thyme stalks, oregano roots, cinnamon bark, clove fruit, ginger roots.
Preparation: For each problem that is affected by the herb, a different regimen is used. We recommend consultation with a medical professional before admission. A decoction or tea is usually prepared, but the intake is strictly individual based on the problem and the condition of the patient.
Harvest time: The flowering of growth. is June and July, but its root is collected earlier - in March, or in late autumn (in November).
Harvest method: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.
How to proceed with the collected root: wash it abundantly with water, so that the soil falls completely. It is placed in a ventilated place for 2 days, after which the roots are cut lengthwise into parts of 30-35 cm each. They are placed in the sun or in dryers. The root is considered completely ready when it begins to break when folded. The well-dried root is stored for 10 years. Licorice root is used to make antitussive candies. For them, the root is not dried, but boiled and pressed. Aqueous extracts, decoctions, etc. are used for some medicines. forms.
Conservation: The quality drug is collected from more than 3-year-old plants. When pulling out, about 75% of the rhizome is cut and the rest is left to allow the plant to recover. A piece of root can be taken from it again after 6 years.