Local name: Andělika lékařská
Where to find it: Whole Czechia
Elevation (Optional): Highlands
Description: This biennial plant is characterized by its striking appearance, featuring large, umbrella-like clusters of small greenish-white flowers. The plant can grow up to several feet in height, with hollow stems and large, pinnately compound leaves.

Usable parts: Root
Medicinal properties: Angelica has been used traditionally to promote digestion and relieve gas. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Undesired effects: –
Preparation: Preserve Angelica by drying its roots and stems for later use in teas, tinctures, or culinary applications.
Harvest time: Harvest the roots and stems in late autumn or early spring before the plant flowers for optimal flavor and medicinal properties.
Harvest method:Harvest the roots by carefully digging them up, and cut the stems just above the ground, ensuring the plant’s sustainability.
Conservation:Store dried roots and stems in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to preserve flavor and medicinal properties.