Butterbur - Petasites Officinalis
Local name: Devětsil lékařský
Where to find it: Foothill and mountain areas
Elvation: Wet forests
Description: The plant has large, heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers, which appear in early spring before the leaves fully unfold, are dense clusters of pink to purple blooms. Notably, the botanical name “Petasites” is derived from the Greek word “petasos,” which is a type of broad-brimmed hat, likely referencing the size and shape of the plant’s leaves.

Usable parts: Rhizomes
Medicinal properties: Butterbur has been studied for its potential in relieving migraine symptoms and allergic reactions.
Undesired effects: Raw butterbur plant may be toxic.
Preparation: Preserve Butterbur by drying the rhizomes and using them in tinctures or powdered for capsules.
Harvest time: Harvest the rhizomes in late autumn or early spring before the plant fully emerges for medicinal use.
Harvest method: Harvest rhizomes by digging them up in late autumn or early spring, then clean and dry for medicinal use.
Conservation: Dry butterbur rhizomes and store them in sealed containers for use in tinctures or powdered for capsules.