Local name: Bez chebdí
Where to find it: Clearings, glades, sunny parts of the forest
Description: Danewort is a relatively small shrub, typically reaching heights of 1 to 2 meters. It has pinnately compound leaves with serrated leaflets and produces clusters of small, white to pale pink flowers in the summer, followed by small black or red berries.

Usable parts: Berry
Medicinal properties: Danewort has been used traditionally for its diuretic properties and may have potential anti-inflammatory effects.
Undesired effects: Unripe berries and other parts may be toxic if ingested.
Preparation: Preserve Danewort by drying the berries for use in jams, syrups, or tinctures.
Harvest time: Harvest the berries in late summer or early fall for making jams, syrups, or tinctures.
Harvest method: Harvest berries by stripping them from the stems when fully ripe in late summer or early fall, and dry them for various uses.
Conservation: Dry dwarf elder berries and store them in sealed containers for making jams, syrups, or tinctures.