Local name: Česnáček lékařský
Where to find it: –
Elevation (Optional): Deciduous forests and gardens
Description: This plant is characterized by its distinctive garlic-like aroma, especially when the leaves are crushed. It typically grows up to 30 to 90 centimeters in height. The leaves are kidney-shaped with scalloped edges and can vary in size, forming a rosette during the first year and producing a flowering stem in the second year.

The small, white flowers bloom in clusters at the tips of the stems in late spring to early summer, and the plant produces long, slender seedpods.
Usable parts: Stem, Leaf
Medicinal properties: Garlic Mustard is rich in antioxidants and has potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Preparation: Preserve Garlic Mustard by drying the leaves and using them as a culinary herb or in herbal infusions.
Harvest time: Harvest the leaves before flowering in early to mid-spring for the best flavor.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves by picking them before flowering in early to mid-spring, ensuring they are clean and pest-free.
Conservation: Dry garlic mustard leaves and store them in sealed containers for culinary use or in herbal infusions.