Local name: Břečťan popínavý
Where to find it: Whole Czechia
Elevation (Optional): No specific elevation
Description: English Ivy is a climbing vine with distinctive lobed leaves that are dark green and glossy. The plant is known for its ability to cling to and cover surfaces, making it a popular choice for ground cover, walls, and structures. It produces small, greenish-yellow flowers and later develops black berries.

Usable parts: Leaf
Medicinal properties: English Ivy has been used in traditional medicine for respiratory conditions and coughs due to its expectorant properties.
Undesired effects: Can be toxic if ingested. Skin contact may cause irritation.
Preparation: Preserve English Ivy by drying the leaves and using them in wreaths or other decorative arrangements
Harvest time: Harvest leaves throughout the growing season, but avoid excessive pruning to maintain the plant’s health and appearance.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves by handpicking or trimming the desired portions, avoiding excessive removal to maintain plant health.
Conservation: Dry English Ivy leaves thoroughly and store them in a cool, dry place for use in wreaths or decorations.