Local name: Jehlice trnitá
Where to find it:
Elevation: Dry sunny slopes especially on limestone substrate
Description: Spiny Restharrow typically grows to a height of about 30 to 60 centimeters. It has pinnate leaves with three leaflets and produces pink to purplish-pink pea-like flowers that are arranged in dense clusters. The plant is called “restharrow” because its tough, spiny stems were known to “arrest the harrow” or hinder the progress of plows in agricultural fields.

Usable parts: Root
Medicinal properties: Restharrow has been used traditionally for its diuretic properties and potential benefits for urinary tract health.
Preparation: Preserve Restharrow by drying the roots for later use in herbal teas or tinctures.
Harvest time: Harvest the roots in late autumn or early spring for use in herbal teas or tinctures.
Harvest method: Harvest roots by digging them up in late autumn or early spring, and dry them for herbal teas or tinctures.
Conservation: Dry restharrow roots and store them in sealed containers for use in herbal teas or tinctures.