Local name: Jitrocel kopinatý
Where to find it:
Elevation: It grows as a weed and as a planted crop in fields
Description: Ribwort Plantain is characterized by its lance-shaped leaves, which are arranged in a basal rosette. The leaves have prominent parallel veins, and the plant produces tall spikes with small, inconspicuous flowers. The flowering stems can reach a height of about 10 to 40 centimeters.

Usable parts: Leaf
Medicinal properties: Ribwort Plantain has been used traditionally for its potential anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.
Preparation: Preserve Ribwort Plantain by drying the leaves for use in herbal teas or as a poultice.
Harvest time: Harvest the leaves in early to mid-summer for use in herbal teas or poultices.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves by picking them in early to mid-summer, and dry them for use in herbal teas or poultices.
Conservation: Dry ribwort plantain leaves and store them in sealed containers for use in herbal teas or as a poultice.