Local name: Chrastavec rolní
Where to find it: Bright forests, meadows, glades. Dry locations
Elevation: –
Description: Field Scabious is characterized by its pincushion-like flower heads, which consist of numerous tiny, tubular flowers in shades of pink to violet-blue. The plant typically grows to a height of about 30 to 80 centimeters. The leaves are lance-shaped and form a basal rosette.

Usable parts: Flower
Medicinal properties: Field Scabious has been used traditionally for its astringent properties and may have anti-inflammatory effects.
Preparation: Preserve Field Scabious by drying the flowers for decorative arrangements or herbal teas.
Harvest time: Harvest the flowers in mid to late summer for use in decorative arrangements or herbal teas.
Harvest method: Harvest flowers by cutting stems in mid to late summer, and dry them for decorative arrangements or herbal teas.
Conservation: Dry field scabious flowers and store them in sealed containers for use in decorative arrangements or herbal teas.