Local name: Vřes obecný
Where to find it: Sandy and silty soils
Elevation: –
Description: Key features of Heather include needle-like leaves arranged in whorls and small, bell-shaped flowers that can vary in color, including shades of pink, purple, or white. The plant typically grows to a height of about 20 to 60 centimeters.

Usable parts: Flower
Medicinal properties: Heather has been used traditionally for its potential diuretic and antimicrobial properties.
Preparation: Preserve Heather by drying the flowers for decorative arrangements or as a fragrant herb.
Harvest time: Harvest the flowers in late summer or early fall for use in decorative arrangements or as a fragrant herb.
Harvest method: Harvest flowers by picking them in late summer or early fall, and dry them for use in decorative arrangements or as a fragrant herb.
Conservation: Dry heather flowers and store them in sealed containers for use in decorative arrangements or as a fragrant herb.