Local name: Jalovec obecný
Where to find it: Czech-Slovak border
Elevation: Sandy and silty soils
Description: Common Juniper is characterized by its needle-like leaves, which are arranged in whorls of three. It typically has a bushy or columnar growth habit, and it can reach heights of up to 10 meters, although it often remains smaller. The female plants produce small, fleshy cones that mature into blue-black berries, which are commonly referred to as juniper berries.

Usable parts: Berry
Medicinal properties: Common Juniper has been used traditionally for its diuretic properties and potential benefits for digestive health.
Preparation: Preserve Common Juniper by drying the berries for use in culinary dishes or as a flavoring agent.
Harvest time: Harvest the berries in late summer or early autumn for culinary use or as a flavoring agent.
Harvest method: Harvest berries by picking them when fully ripe in late summer or early autumn, and dry them for culinary use or flavoring.
Conservation: Dry juniper berries and store them in sealed containers for culinary use or as a flavoring agent.