Local name: Klikva žoravina
Where to find it: South Bohemia and Šumava mountains
Elevation: acid peat soil
Description: Key features of Moorberry include small, evergreen leaves, slender stems, and clusters of small, red berries.

Usable parts: Berry
Medicinal properties: Moorberry are known for their potential benefits in preventing urinary tract infections and supporting heart health.
Preparation: Preserve Cranberry by making jams, sauces, or tinctures from the berries.
Harvest time: Harvest the berries in late summer or early fall for making jams, sauces, or tinctures.
Harvest method: Harvest berries by picking them when fully ripe in late summer or early fall, and use them for making jams, sauces, or tinctures.
Conservation: Make jams, sauces, or tinctures from cranberries and store them in sealed containers.