Local name: Jeřáb ptačí
Where to find it:
Elevation: Bright forests, hillsides, along the roads
Description: Key characteristics of Sorbus aucuparia include pinnately compound leaves with serrated leaflets and clusters of small white flowers that bloom in late spring to early summer. The tree typically reaches heights of 10 to 20 meters. One of its most distinctive features is the bright red to orange berries

Usable parts: Berry
Medicinal properties: Rowan berries are rich in antioxidants and have been used for their potential immune-boosting properties
Preparation: Preserve Rowan by making jams, jellies, or tinctures from the berries.
Harvest time: Harvest the berries in late summer or early fall for making jams, jellies, or tinctures.
Harvest method: Harvest berries by picking them when fully ripe in late summer or early fall, and use them for making jams, jellies, or tinctures.
Conservation: Preserve rowan by making jams, jellies, or tinctures from the berries and store them in sealed containers.