Local name: Bříza bělokorá
Where to find it: Whole Czechia
Elevation (Optional): No specific elevation
Description: It is a slender and graceful tree that can reach heights of 15 to 25 meters. The bark of young trees is smooth and silver-white, while mature trees develop black, diamond-shaped fissures.
The leaves of Silver Birch are small, green, and triangular with doubly serrated margins. In the autumn, they turn a vibrant yellow before falling.

Usable parts: Leaf, Sprout
Medicinal properties: Silver Birch leaves are used for their diuretic and detoxifying properties.
Undesired effects: –
Preparation: Preserve Silver Birch by drying the leaves for use in herbal teas.
Harvest time:Harvest leaves in late spring or early summer when they are young and vibrant for use in herbal teas.
Conservation:Dry birch leaves and store them in airtight containers for use in herbal teas or other applications.