Local name: Čertkus luční
Where to find it: –
Elevation (Optional): Pastures, Meadows
Description: This plant is characterized by its basal rosette of leaves and upright stems that bear clusters of blue to violet, pincushion-like flowers. The flowers are composed of numerous small tubular florets and bloom from late summer into early fall. Devil’s-bit Scabious gets its name from the truncated appearance of its roots, which look like they have been bitten off or cut short.

Usable parts: Stem, flowers
Medicinal properties: Devil’s-bit Scabious has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Preparation: Preserve Devil’s-bit Scabious by drying the flowers for use in herbal teas or decorative arrangements.
Harvest time: Harvest the flowers in late summer for use in herbal teas or decorative arrangements.
Harvest method: Harvest flowers by cutting them at the base of the stem, and dry them for use in teas or arrangements.
Conservation: Dry devil’s-bit scabious flowers and store them in airtight containers for use in herbal teas or decorative arrangements.