Local name: Fenykl obecný
Where to find it: –
Elevation: Soil rich in nutrients, often near vineyards
Description: Fennel is characterized by its feathery green leaves, hollow stems, and umbrella-like clusters of small yellow flowers. The plant can reach heights of 1 to 2 meters. Both the bulbous base and the feathery leaves of Fennel are used in cooking, providing a sweet, licorice-like flavor to a variety of dishes.

Usable parts: Seeds
Medicinal properties: Fennel is known for its digestive benefits, helping to relieve indigestion and bloating.
Preparation: Preserve Fennel by drying the seeds for culinary use or making infused oils.
Harvest time: Harvest the seeds in late summer or early fall when they are fully ripe for culinary use.
Harvest method: Harvest seeds by cutting the seed heads when they have fully ripened, and dry them for culinary use.
Conservation: Dry fennel seeds and store them in sealed containers for culinary use or making infused oils.