Local name: Hadinec obecný
Where to find it: –
Elevation: Sunny slopes
Description: Adder Wort is characterized by its hairy stems and leaves, which give the plant a rough texture. The lance-shaped leaves are alternate and can vary in size. The plant typically grows to a height of 30 to 60 centimeters, although it can reach up to 1 meter or more. One of the distinctive features of Viper’s Bugloss is its vibrant, blue to purple flowers arranged in elongated clusters.

Usable parts: Stem, Flowers
Medicinal properties: Adder Wort has been traditionally used for respiratory issues and may have anti-inflammatory properties.
Preparation: Preserve Ader Wort by drying the flowers for use in herbal teas.
Harvest time: Harvest the flowers in the summer when they are in full bloom for use in herbal teas.
Harvest method: Harvest flowers by cutting stems when they are in full bloom, and dry them for use in herbal teas.
Conservation: Dry flowers and store them in airtight containers for use in herbal teas.