Local name: Meduňka lékrařská
Where to find it:
Elevation: Gardens
Description: Key features of Lemon Balm include heart-shaped or oval leaves with a lemon scent when crushed and small white or pale yellow flowers that form in clusters. The plant typically reaches a height of about 60 to 90 centimeters.

Usable parts: Leaf, Stem
Medicinal properties: Lemon Balm is known for its calming effects, promoting relaxation and aiding in sleep. It also has antiviral properties.
Undesired effects: May cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Preparation: Preserve Lemon Balm by drying the leaves for use in herbal teas or culinary dishes.
Harvest time: Harvest the leaves in mid to late summer for use in herbal teas or culinary dishes.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves by cutting stems in mid to late summer, and dry them for use in herbal teas or culinary dishes.
Conservation: Dry lemon balm leaves and store them in sealed containers for use in herbal teas or culinary dishes.