Local name: Divizna velkokvětá
Where to find it: –
Elevation: Stony hillsides and rocks
Description: Denseflower Mullein is characterized by its tall, erect stem that can reach heights of 1 to 2 meters. The leaves are large, lance-shaped, and covered with a dense layer of fine hairs, giving them a soft, fuzzy texture. The plant produces dense spikes of yellow flowers, which are tightly packed along the upper part of the stem.

Usable parts: Flower, Leaf
Medicinal properties: Mullein is known for its respiratory benefits and has been used to soothe coughs and lung irritations.
Preparation: Preserve Mullein by drying the leaves and flowers for use in herbal teas.
Harvest time: Harvest the leaves and flowers in the second year during the flowering season for use in teas or smoking blends.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves and flowers by cutting stems during the flowering season, and dry them for teas or smoking blends.
Conservation: Dry mullein leaves and flowers, store them in airtight containers for use in teas or smoking blends.