Local name: Čistec lesní
Where to find it: –
Elevation (Optional): Wet deciduous and floodplain forests
Description: This plant typically grows to a height of 60 to 120 centimeters. It has square stems, opposite leaves with serrated margins, and tubular, purplish-red flowers arranged in whorls. The leaves emit a slightly unpleasant odor when crushed. Hedge Woundwort blooms in the summer months, attracting pollinators such as bees.

Usable parts: Stem, Leaf
Medicinal properties: Hedge Woundwort has been used traditionally for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.
Preparation: Preserve Hedge Woundwort by drying the leaves and using them in herbal teas.
Harvest time: Harvest the leaves in the summer before flowering for optimal medicinal properties.
Harvest method: Harvest leaves by cutting stems before flowering, selecting healthy leaves for drying or processing.
Conservation: Dry hedge woundwort leaves and store them in airtight containers for use in herbal teas.